Sunday, August 7, 2011

Life on a budget

Hey guys. Life sucks without money, right? Inabilities to buy what you want to do or go where you want to go definitely sucks especially in this day of economic instability. I'm stuck in a similar situation being unemployed for two years and having to watch over two aging family members while searching for work.  Actually, I'm cool with having taking care of them. That's life and I have to make the best of a difficult situation.  I've always been one for awesome gear, eating great food and keeping up with the ever changing trends. Despite being out of work I've continued to enjoy purchasing awesome gear, enjoy life and manage to keep up with the trends...on a super tight budget. This is not a blog of how to live life on a budget, or how to live a millionaires lifestyle on a budget. Basically the idea behind this blog is to introduce unique lifestyle gear and offer budget conscious options for those suffering because of our miserable economic situation. Being on a tight budget doesn't mean that you have to settle on a mediocre lifestyle.  There are alternatives to enjoying life. Live life even with a tight wallet!

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